Some changes
Hi Followers
To understand what I’m about to tell you you need a background story.
The Background story: There are 5 foreign exchange students in big piney. Me and Enna were living together at our host family. Haidi (from Italy)
and Deniz (from turkey) were living together at their host-family. Faizel (from Indonesia) is living on his own with his host family.
After a while problems started to form in my family and in the family with Haidi and Deniz. Because Deniz got kicked out of her family, she went to live with a different family in big piney. So Haidi was living alone with the The family she was in from that point on. In my family the there were some problems starting to form. I’m not going into what was going on but it made Enna want to leave the family. And luckly for her it came to the point that she got to go to an other family. I was happy for her but it also made me very sad because she really became a sister to me. At the time Enna was having problems I myself was also having some problems but i kinda wanted to give it a chance to see if it would get better but after a while. It didn’t really get better it actually got kinda worse. I was just not happy were I was. So after a while I got changed out of their but that is were it al kinda got messed up. Because i got put in the family with haidi so the family were already someone left. Haidi got to be my host sister and that was awesome. But before the change happend. I already heard a lot from haidi, from talking with her in school. I knew she wasn’t happy in her family and she didn’t want to stay there. And she told me that a long time before I even got to changed to their family. She had her reasons that she wanted to leave their house at first I didn’t really understand it. But when i got to the point that i was living with them i understood them very well and i was not comfortable with them either. I have lived with the Losiks for 2 and a half months or so. I got changed to an other family on oct 21 I have lived with them from oct 21 till nov 20th and on november 20th me and Haidi both got changed out of there we are both in different familys. We have been in our new familys for 4 days now and we feel releaved we are so happy that we are in loving family’s. Family’sthat make us happy and we feel loved in.
Now Ican for curtain tell you that im in a good place and im going to be happy for the rest of the year with this family.
Also fun fact the family that Enna got changed to is related to the family that I am living with right know. And the family that Haidi got changed to is good friends with my family and Enna’s family so we are going to see a lot of each other even though we are not living together anymore. And I think that is just absolutely awesome.
So a lot has changed and to be honest it has been rough I have cried a lot I got the point were I was asking myself what I got myself into. But Luckily I have loving friends in school and I had Enna and Haidi (whom I would still refer to as my host-sisters even though they are Technically not). They all helped me get trough all off this and have been there for me when Ineeded them the most I really love my friends.
I’m in a good place and im happy I sticked trough all of it, because now eventually I am happy and know I am going to stay happy. Of couse there are going to be ups and dows but I think Ihave gotten trough the worst of it and its only going to get better.
And just so you guys know and don’t worry about me. I have NOT been abused of any kind I was just not happy I had my reasons for it. And I’m not saying that those family’s that I have lived with are bad family’s. They just didn’t match with me. I am still very thankful that they have hosted my for the time they have and for the stuff they did for me. Because its not nothing to take just some kid to all the places that my first host family has taken me.
I hope you understand a little better now why I have been of the radar for a while. I have been trough a lot but I’m happy now and I hope knowing
that I’m in a good place makes you all happy and not worry about me to much.
Leave a comment if you’d like to!
Love Esther
We are very glad that things are working out better for you. It must be hard being a long way from your parents but I'm sure they've found a way to love and support you even from a distance. You sound very strong and very mature. They must be proud of how you're handling things. I'm sure with your wonderful positive attitude things are going to be great from now on. With love. Sue
Hi Esther, goed dat ik de twee berichten apart heb gelezen en meteen een reactie heb gegeven op het eerst verslag. Tja, ups en downs is zoals het leven is. Je leert van je ervaringen, ook al sta je er niet op te wachten. Goed dat jij met jouw positieve karakter er door bent gekomen. Ga een leuke Kerstijd tegemoet en om dit en de Jaarwisseling mee te maken in de USA, zal ook bijzonder zijn - Liefs en Groetjes - Wil - Sammie en Max ;)
Wou gewoon even zeggen dat ik hoop dat alles nu goed is en dat ik hoop dat je het leuk hebt met je nieuwe gezin! Ik heb het zelf ook meegemaakt in Frankrijk en het is niet makkelijk maar ik weet zeker dat jij er het beste van maakt! Veel liefs!
Esther, I’m so sorry to hear that things were so bad that it required you, and your friends, to make these unplanned changes. But you also wrote that it is a change for the better. After it’s all over, when you look back on it, I think you’ll find that you have learned even more from this whole experience because of these unforeseen happenings. The fact that you were able to write to us about this tells me that you have already learned a lot from at all.
May you have a happy and delicious American thanksgiving day!
Jeetje Esther, wat een toestand. Wat ben je een dappere strijder dat je je er zo doorheen gevochten hebt ! En ik vind het indrukwekkend hoe je het beschrijft, zonder woede of verwijten of iets. Heel volwassen en knap hoor ! In elk geval is het erg fijn om te weten dat er mensen zijn die je gesteund hebben. En dat er blijkbaar in de buurt zoveel gastgezinnen zijn, waardoor je niet naar een andere school of een andere staat hoeft te verhuizen. Het is natuurlijk niet fijn dat je zoveel gehuild hebt, maar laten we hopen dat je de rest van je Amerika-jaar alleen nog maar lacht !
Dank voor je verslagen en de foto's, wat een stoer pak heb je aan zeg,
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