
1 month America!!!

Hi People, 

It now has been 2 weeks at school and 1 month in America and I really enjoy going to school and being busy. Football practice is tough but a lot of fun I enjoy it a lot better, now I get to dress up fully. I being trained as an receiver, corner and linebacker. And I’m also a kicker I tend to be good at it so their training me in that to. 

I’m learning to play the trompet for band and I’m not bad at it so that’s cool. The rest of the classes are a bit boring. But the children in the classes are fun. I had my first football game and it was an overnighter, because it was in lusk and thats like an 8 hour drive from big piney. So we drove to lusk and had the game that we won btw. I did not l get to play but I learned a lot of watching. And after the game we drove 1 and a half hour to the hotel we’re we stayed. It was a fun trip I had the giggles a lot of times and the boys are very supportive. And the football manager that are just girls from school. They slept in the same room as me and they are so sweet. I’m very very happy that I choose to do football even though its a boys sport, it’s a blast. Im enjoying every bit of it even though I get hurt a lot. 

Fun story I asked the coaches last week on Monday to let one of the boys tackle me because our first game was last Friday and I was scared they would put me in the field and have never been tackled before. And I needed to get used to it before they put me in. So all the boys lined up to make a tunnel. The coaches let the smallest boy on the team tackle me. I thought thats good because it wouldn’t hurt as much. But what I didn’t realise was that the smallest boy on the team is also the fastest. So it didn’t really go as well as i aspected. It hurts a lot I got crushed completely. 

The weekends were also fun the first weekend after our 3 days of school we went motorcycle riding. It was such an amazing feeling sitting in the back an feeling the wind blowing in your face,  hearing the wind blowing trough your ears, smelling the nature and being able to see 360 degrees around you it’s amazing. We went to our fifth national park the Grand Teton national park. And that was beautiful.







I just love reading about all your adventures. Playing football?! You are braver than I am. Be safe!

You are so lucky to get to go to all the national parks.

It’s wonderful that you are writing all this down. 50 years from now when you are an old lady, like I am an old man now, you will be glad to have it written down so you can re-read it and remember it all.

To be continued!


Wat een mooi verhaal weer, Esther, dank je zeer ! Wel een eind weg zeg, een uitwedstrijd op 8 uur rijden. Dat gaat hier binnen Nederland zeker niet lukken, dan moet je al lid zijn van het Nederlandse team, om te spelen tegen Duitsland, Frankrijk of Engeland of zo.
Als ik het goed begrijp zit je continue onder de blauwe plekken. Maar ik hoop dat je niet echt gewond raakt en alles snel weer geneest. Dapper hoor ! Ben je het enige meisje in het team ? En zitten er wel meisjes bij de tegenpartij ? Hele fijne tijd weer verder, en veel dank voor je verslagen !!!

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